Alarms and warning management
Group management, using logic level parameters of data, priority, ack, hystoric storage and other.
Password and security
A very high level of security is got by using the users management.
Users management is realized both on designer and Runtime, using a 10 priority levels dedicated editor.
RFID automatic login
An automatic user login can be done by usign the RFID card and the Panel PC integrated sensor
Data logging
During Runtime, you can easily log and save data as trends or other, using the integrated databasa and visualize them also on the HMI Panel PC. This permits to solve the need of traceability, very popular in modern production processes.
Trend object makes a real time graphic visualization of the events in a process. Trend data can be logged or saved during runtime; trend creation can also be conditioned by time intervals or by variables change. Visualizing graphic is with different formats, 3D included.
Trend buffer
Trend special function to capture big amount of quick events (buffer) on PLC (some msec) and to imediately visualize them with one or more trends
Trend functions
Some useful functions are avaiable for Trend: double Y scale, scale autolimitation, selective graphic, X axis zoom, 3D effects, legend, value mark, Xaxis scrolling, etc..
It is possible to manage structures of recipes which contain different data set, to improove runtime efficiency and save different data. Saved recipes are managed with a complete editor on the Panel PC which permits to dynamically manage every kind of data and data set name also with multilanguage function.
Multiple languages
Up to 20 different languages (also with specific fonts) are available to manage project texts. Every Unicode language is supported. (included Chinese, Arabian and oriental languages)
Import-export text languages
Specific Toptouch functions permit to export project texts in xml format, to allow translation and than import of the translated texts in the project.
Internal variables
Toptouch contains a complete set of internal variables (retentive too) which permits to manage and develop data without using the associated controller (PLC) variables
System variables
Toptuch gives the project a certain number of read-only system variables, such as memory quantity, user logged, recipe in use, to obtain both hardware and software information
Index-link variables
In the project it is possible to create index-link variables, which permit a easy use of big quantities of data.
Variables array
The use of variables arrays permits to manage same type variables in a easy way, with higher reading speed.
Buffer variables
Project variables are auto-organized from TopTouch in buffer to quick fresh time to PLC, independently by protocol type
Variables scaling
PLC variable can be automatically scaled simply defining the min-max scaling ratio in the project
Project objects
Objects types that can be used: Label, Edit var, Combo, List, Touch, Icon, Region, Panel, Bargraph, Meter, Trend, Clock; Bitmap, Popup, Video
Scheduler is used to make events according to a runtime time sequence. It permits to automate events in a process, according time and dates definde in the calendar.
Timers are synchronous or asynchronous events inside runtime which permits to time 100 msec resolution events, for exemple motor start and stop di motori and other.
Multi Touch
Touch is very structured and permits to manage various types of events and to realize different forms containing text and graphics, managing multiple phases, also in dynamic way.
SQL Database
It's the motor used to memorise all data as Trend, alarms, recipes, warnings, data logging and other
Database traceability
Data and events traceability, both for inside runtime and project settings, is managed by database, with backup automatic procedure.
PDF viewer
Runtime visualizes PDF files in the project, managed by a project event, forcing N page and the PDF file, according to the selecting language.
Grafica vettoriale
E’ possibile utilizzare nel progetto immagini con i più comuni formati grafici ed altri anche vettoriali (jpg, bmp, wmf, ecc..)
Vectorial graphics
For static oblects it is possible to magage a transparency color, defined in the project for single object.
Bar graphics
Variable graphic representationis possible with bargraph, in different formats and dimansions, with or without graduate scale also in 3D format
Analogi graphic indicator
This object is used to graphically represent variables in analogic form (meter)
Graphic primitives
A group of elementary graphic object is available (straight line, rectangle, circle, ellipse) to support graphic realization of page, template e popup
4000 symbols graphic library
It's an embedded library of Designer. The user can accede it to have standars symbols and graphic objects in different formats.(Icons, buttons, flags, motors ..)
Video streaming
It permits to realtime visualize a video from IP camera and a project internal video.
Popup object
It' a very useful component and easy to project, type local or global, managed by asynchronous events but also by drag and drop functions. Popup use permits to create a multiwindows in the page, to execute different command in a ordered and easy way.
Text and graphics tables
These are table created by the user, very useful to the repetitive use of objects dynamic. They have the macro function recalling from various points of the project.
Object dynamic
Dynamic permits to change object properties (text, graphics, visibiity) in dynamic way, according to variable value. It's very important to on-line modify information on display or for blinking and flashing.
Objects visibility
Dynamic permits to manage object visibility, usic a control variable.
It permits to dynamically move an object in the page along XY axes by using a variable. Than it is possible to make the blinking effect of an object. Every objec can be animated in a very easy way.
3D effects
These are graphic effetcts, selectable for every object; they permits to give a 3D aspect to the object.
Multiple object editor
It's an automatic property which permits to modify congruent properties of all the selected objects, at the same time. It permits to modify object groups very quickly and with only one command.
Project style
By using some Designer functions such as: custom palette, 3D effects, dedicated icons, personalized touch it is possible to define a personal own "style", to use for one or more project families.
Template pages
Special pages, which permits to manage page gruops common parts; very useful to realize page header or footer.
Database export
Project database files can be created and exported to different mediasI (usb disk, remote server) in different formats ( .sdf, .csv), all to have a redundance and increase sensible data security.
On click events
On the touchscreen click can be daone all the events, with internal functions. (page jump, variables elaboratione, tasks execution)
Events condizioned by variables
It is possible to manage "on change events" on all project variables: events conditioned by the variable value changing type. ( es =, > < # range-in, range-out)
Events on alarms
On the alarm or warning birth project events are executed.
Functions and macros
There'a a complete list of function, divided in cathegories to make various type operations in the runtime (funzions on variabies, conditioned jump, scheduler, database, timer and other). It is also possible to edit different sequences of variables and save them as Macro, and re-use them in the project. Functions parameters can be defined with numeric values or variables, and so managed in dynamic way.
E-mail notice
It' a special function. It permits to associate any project event to the dispatch of a e-mail message (webmail). So, it is possible to send an alarm message to different people at the same time.
Web server
It permits to interact in remote way via web with the HMI, and so to visualize with a browser the project pages. In this way it is possible to see alarms, status and any project variable from remote.
Jump on condition functions
They are very important functions: they permits to realize very complicated sequences of functions.
PLC drivers and protocols
Many drivers and protocols for different PLC suppliers are available: Siemens ( MPI, PPI, Profibus, Ethernet ) Rockwell (DF1, Ethenet, Compact Logix) Omron , Modbus Rtu ed ethernet, ed altri
Multiple management
It is possible to communicate to maximum 16 PLC (also from different suppliers) by the same HMI Panel.
Project scaling
A project realized for a specific HMI panel ( es 640x480) can be automatically scaled to high (es 800x600) or low, only by changing HMI panel settings.
Backup and Restore
Several functions permits to safely work, by automatically saving and replacing project sensible data, such as: Recipes, Databases, the executed project and the various software in te HMI panel.
Demo projects
Several demo project are in te Toptouch, to show flexibility and use ease. It is possible to load a demo project to analyze project or to directly create your own application.
Multilanguage help on line
Inside TopTouch there's an Help (also in English language) to better understand functions, objects and available tools.
Multimedial tutors
20 multimedial tutorial anr on-line available (italian and english). The user can see and hear hwo to create the project and to use the HMI Panel PC.
User friendly environment
Designer environment and Runtime are strictly connected, intuitive and easy to understand, also in the first uses.